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After graduating from the Department of Business Administration at İstanbul Bilgi University with honours in 2004, Dr. Seda Akçakoca worked as a research assistant in the MBA department of the same university. She completed her master's degree in Sociology at the University of Warwick in the UK in 2006 and continued her academic career and completed her doctorate in Sociology at the same university. She won a Postdoctoral Fellowship from Koç University Gender and Women's Studies Research and Application Center (KOÇ-KAM) and two Marie Curie Research Awards from the European Union, and made academic presentations at various international conferences. She also gave lectures to undergraduate and graduate students in Turkey, UK and France on Corporate Governance, Institutions in Social and Political Fields, and Human Resources Management. Afterward, she switched from her academic career to counselling, with the desire to communicate with young people one-on-one and make a more direct contribution to their development. She started her journey as an experienced researcher at Paris Evry University as a consultant to doctoral students in a European Union Project, continued to work as a Career Development Counsellor at Koç University, which was followed by the establishment of the University's Researcher Development Office and broke new ground in Turkey. Throughout her career, she took part in various projects on employment, career development, career/work identity, and organizational culture and inequalities.


She also developed herself in the field of stress management, by completing various trainings, in order to provide the right resources to academic researchers alleviate the effects of being in a high-pressure career. When she learned that the vagus nerve is at the centre of one’s ability to adapt to stress, she completed the Vagus Nerve Programme with a scholarship and received another scholarship from the Polyvagal Institute to attend a polyvagal-informed certification programme that is lead by Professor Stephen W.  Porges, who is the originator of the Polyvagal Theory. Currently, she is completing the The Somatic Trauma Informed Coaching & Leadership Certification offered by The School of Trauma-Informed Positive Psychology.

These are completely scientific and evidence-based training programmes enabling her to understand her clients’ unique neurobiological profiles and strengthen their stress resilience.



PH.D. in Sociology:

University of Warwick, United Kingdom

M.A. in Sociology:

University of Warwick,

United Kingdom 


Certificate of Higher Education in Business Administration:

University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom 

B.A. (Hons) in Business Administration:

İstanbul Bilgi University, Turkey 

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Qualified & Accredited The Somatic Trauma Informed Coaching & Leadership Certification, The School of Trauma-Informed Positive Psychology

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited Certified Coaching Programme, Adler School of Professional Coaching, Turkey

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited Coach Training Modules 1 & 2: The Art and Science of Coaching, Erickson Coaching International, Turkey

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited Points of You Train the Trainer Workshop Programme, Points of You Creative Tools for Training and Development, Turkey

  • CharacterIX® Personality Inventory Training and Certification Programme, CharacterIX® Consulting, Turkey

  • NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) Certification Training, Assess Consulting, Turkey

  • Researcher Development Train the Trainer Workshop Programme, Exec Coaching and Training - Rodetal Ltd., United Kingdom

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction / MBSR Training Programme, Mindfulness Institute, Turkey

  • Vagus Nerve Programme, Jessica Maguire, Australia

  • Play Zone Pro: Polyvagal-Informed Certificate for Wellness & Performance Coaches, Polyvagal
    Institute, USA 

  • The Neuroscience of Stress, The Neuroscience School, Canada

  • Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Two Day Classroom, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, United Kingdom

  • Career Management Module, Graduate School Skills Programme, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

  • Introduction to Academic and Professional Practice, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

  • Project Management Methodology, Istanbul Institute, Turkey

  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Competitiveness, The World Bank Institute (WB), USA



British Sociological Association-BSA,

United Kingdom

Career Development Institute-CDI,

United Kingdom



Volunteer Mentor,

Ask Warwick Alumni Mentor Programme,

University of Warwick, England (currently)

Volunteer Coach,

LEAD21 Fellowship Programme 2024,
Yenibirlider Derneği, Turkey (currently) 

Volunteer CharacterIX Consultant
Planning My Future with My Potentials Project 2022,

Contemporary Life Support Association Mersin Branch & CharacterIX A.Ş., Turkey

Volunteer Career Coach,

Global Engagement Certificate 2018,

Koç University, Turkey

Volunteer Coach,

Adler-Voluntary Coaching Project 2016,

Adler School of Professional Coaching,


In Personal Development Programs

Program Assistant and Volunteer,

Education Volunteers Foundation of Turkey

(TEGV), Turkey

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